
Showing posts from 2015

BES Express 5 Web Page Issues because of KB3061518 Windows Update

Windows 10 is coming and Microsoft is pushing out its updates to prepare our computers for this fresh operating system from Microsoft. But do they really need to be that aggressive so that our existing services stops working? Frustrating monday!

iSCSI Storage Performance & Benchmarking with IOMeter

This is a storage performance report that I have done on 3 different storage types. I was curious to see the performance difference between different types of iSCSI storage units. I wanted to share the results with others because when I wanted to compare my results with others, I was surprised to see that there are a lot of people discussing about storage technologies and all but no one is actually sharing their benchmarks openly. Because, a storage benchmark can vary a lot depending on your environment, I am going to list my setup so you can compare these results to your own environment as close as possible.