
Showing posts from August, 2019

warning: Win32API is deprecated after Ruby 1.9.1; use fiddle directly instead - Chef Development Kit Update

Today, I needed to do some tests with a newer version of the Chef Client and test my cookbooks. To version 14.12.9-1 to be precise. I also upgraded my ChefDK on my workstation to the 4.2.0 version. I believe that upgrades Ruby version as well and now I have ruby version 2.6.3p62 Right after the upgrade, I tried with a basic knife node list command to see if I needed to reboot or anything was broke... Everything seems to be working fine, except I get this annoying "warning" message. As it's just a warning, I don't really care about it as it just seems to annonce something that is deprecated... Problem; You receive "warning: Win32API is deprecated after Ruby 1.9.1; use fiddle directly instead" warning when using ruby or chef knife commands. Solution; You need to comment out that warning message in Ruby lib scripts.

System.Messaging.MessageQueueException (0x80004005): A workgroup installation computer does not support the operation (Public Queue create issue)

This is a weird issue that I don't fully understand why it would happen. But the symptoms are very persistent as we're able to reproduce these behavior easily. Issue: The MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queuing) fails to create Public Queues and throws  "the System.Messaging.MessageQueueException (0x80004005): A workgroup installation computer does not support the operation" exception.