Repackage an Application - Silent Install - Batch to EXE Converter

Repackage an Application – PDF-XChange Viewer PRO Deployment Methods

-This example will use the program PDF-XChange Viewer PRO for demonstration purposes but you can use any other software that is compatible with this method of repackaging!

Write a batch file with the following (desired) commands;

@echo off


regedit.exe /s "settings.reg"


The file "settings.reg" is the registry entries which contains some of the preferences and settings for this particular program. All software that we install on our computers has this kind of entries in the "Registry Editor". You can export this registry key for your particular program and add in your batch file in order to customize some of the settings silently right after the installation!

Once your batch file is ready, let's save it as "setup.bat" for this exercise! Download the latest version of the PDF-XChange Viewer PRO program and rename it to "setup.exe" for this exercise. You will also need the program Bat to Exe Converter from ( Now, let's start repackaging the application.

Look at the following screenshots to set the same settings with your installation files like your setup.bat, setup.exe and if you want to use any custom icon for your project! Finally, you should click on "compile" button to have your application repackaged in an "exe" setup file.

Finally you can use the created "setup" to install you preferred application silently on your organizations computers. As we used some switches in our batch file with the fabricants setup file, our installation was silent! That means no user interaction! This is very important in an organization because you don't want anybody to install any program with any settings that they want! Sometimes they don't even know the reason or purpose of the installation. I personally have experienced this method with Microsoft System Center Essentials 2007 to deploy the same application with the same method to about 100 computers and I never had any problems. I was even able to update the existing installation on workstations with the fabricants newest versions easily!

Kubilay Elmas


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