
Showing posts from March, 2011

Build Your Home BitTorrent Server through a Web Browser (Shared BitTorrent Web Client)

  My brother and I use a lot the BitTorrent application for a lot of reasons and we realized that my brother was downloading something that I already had on my computer. The whole idea was sharing all our stuff internally, being aware of what we are downloading NOW and why spend our entire internet quota for duplications? So I found a very easy solution, I was all around the BitTorrent application’s “preferences” window. In my case the program that I’m using is the BitTorrent 7.2 and I know that these instructions work as well on uTorrent application too.  This solution requires a computer to be “ON” and “online” all the time that you want the resume your downloading stuff. It can be your desktop, laptop or even a virtual machine, in my case; I’m using a dedicated Windows XP VMware virtual machine. The user can connect to the BitTorrent application through almost any browser (tested with Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome 10, and Mozilla FireFox 4) and start downloading any...

How to Create Customized Bootable WinPE 3.0 Image?

WinPE is a light version of Windows 7 (command line version). To be able to make a WinPE, you need to install Windows AIK (Automated Installation Kit) from Microsoft. With this professional series of tools, we can create our personalized WinPE 3.0 environment. What can WinPE do for me? WinPE contains very useful tools to… -   Deploy desktop and server operating systems -   Patch the existent OS with the newest updates, hot fix and patch -   Backup your computer! -   Add and Remove hardware drivers Steps to create a WINPE environment 1-       Start the “Deployment Tools Command Prompt” with the “Administrator” rights! 2-       Enter the following command. “copype.cmd (architecture) Destination Path” [Copype.cmd X86 C:\WinPE] or [copype.cmd amd64 C:\WinPE64] 3-       You can add additional customizations by copying your favorite tools into the created C:\WinPE\ISO folder. Like “ImageX + Sysint...

Mv91xx.sys BSOD Repair – Windows 7 X64

I recently had a problem with this driver (mv91xx.sys) with a fresh install Windows 7 Ultimate X64. After a quick search I could find out what was causing the blue screen from time to time during the boot of my computer. It was the “Marvell 9123 Disk Controller” driver in conflict with some other drivers. So I had to find the latest drivers for this controller which was not provided from the supplier (Asus) but from a third party! This is really frustrating, because companies who sell worldwide should keep their drivers section always up-to-date!!!  I managed somehow downloading the needed drivers from a third-party driver website ( ). I’m happy that I found such a good site like this one where we can have the latest versions of drivers. Especially, the ones that we all have problems with… So, I ended up downloading the latest drivers and update the drivers on my computer, I did not see any BSOD (Bluescreen of Death) after this update. And a...