Build Your Home BitTorrent Server through a Web Browser (Shared BitTorrent Web Client)
My brother and I use a lot the BitTorrent application for a lot of reasons and we realized that my brother was downloading something that I already had on my computer. The whole idea was sharing all our stuff internally, being aware of what we are downloading NOW and why spend our entire internet quota for duplications? So I found a very easy solution, I was all around the BitTorrent application’s “preferences” window. In my case the program that I’m using is the BitTorrent 7.2 and I know that these instructions work as well on uTorrent application too. This solution requires a computer to be “ON” and “online” all the time that you want the resume your downloading stuff. It can be your desktop, laptop or even a virtual machine, in my case; I’m using a dedicated Windows XP VMware virtual machine. The user can connect to the BitTorrent application through almost any browser (tested with Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome 10, and Mozilla FireFox 4) and start downloading any...